1945 | 1946 | 1947 | 1949 |
1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953 |
1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 |
1958 | 1959 | 1960 | 1961 |
1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 |
1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 |
Ernest Cutting |
Harry Habbin |
Ernest Cutting |
Leonard Wordingham |
Leonard Wordingham |
John.N. Hughes |
John.N. Hughes |
John.N. Hughes |
John.N. Hughes |
Alfred Shelley |
Herbert Finbow |
P.Jack Warren |
P.Jack Warren |
P.Jack Warren |
P.Jack Warren |
Euphemia Davison |
Euphemia Davison |
Leonard Wordingham |
Kenneth Gilbert |
Kenneth Gilbert |
Phyllis Clark |
Phyllis Clark |
Florence Roden |
Denis Ash |
Denis Ash |
Denis Ash |
Doris Howe |
Doris Howe |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors, division 1: |
Olive Eyles |
Olive Eyles |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors, division 2: |
Alfred Shelley |
Frank Symons |
Frank Symons |
Howard Mallett |
Howard Mallett |
Howard Mallett |
Howard Mallett |
George Dean |
George Dean |
George Dean |
George Dean |
John Powley |
Francis Doggett |
Bertram White |
Bertram White |
Bertram White |
Bertram White |
Horace Ives |
Horace Ives |
Stuart Hemsley |
Stuart Hemsley |
Neville Auker |
William Wing |
Cecil Mole |
Cecil Mole |
Cecil Mole |
Cecil Mole |
Cecil Mole |
Claude Rivers |
Edward Harmer |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors, division 1: |
Frank Reeve |
Frank Reeve |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors, division 2: |
Howard Mallett |
John Forster |
Elsie Patterson |
Kelsey Kerridge |
Kelsey Kerridge |
Kelsey Kerridge |
James Curley |
Frank Hall |
Kenneth Johnston |
Paul Rayment |
Gerald Steele |
Gerald Steele |
Donald Denton-Smith |
Walter Points |
Walter Points |
Stanley Edwards |
Stanley Edwards |
Peter Lowings |
Antonia Knowlson |
Edward Burgess |
Ronald Hearn |
Donald Denton-Smith |
Stanley Ambrose |
Richard Reilly |
Richard Reilly |
Richard Reilly |
Richard Reilly |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors, division 1: |
Cyril Sharkey |
John.N. Hughes |
John.N. Hughes |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors, division 2: |
William Bolton |
Robert Maclagan |
Kelsey Kerridge |
Wallace Cole |
Wallace Cole |
Gladys Burn |
Gladys Burn |
Gladys Burn |
Gladys Burn |
Gladys Burn |
Harold Ridgeon |
Harold Ridgeon |
Harold Ridgeon |
Wallace Cole |
Wallace Cole |
Wallace Cole |
Bernard Sargent |
George Wilding |
Alfred Gibbs |
Cyril Bailey |
Cyril Bailey |
Herbert Finbow |
Herbert Finbow |
Herbert Finbow |
Herbert Finbow |
Herbert Finbow |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors, division 1: |
Damaris Parker-Rhodes |
Damaris Parker-Rhodes |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors, division 2: |
Anthony Cornell |
Anthony Cornell |
1945 | 1946 | 1947 | 1949 |
1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953 |
1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 |
1958 | 1959 | 1960 | 1961 |
1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 |
1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 |
Harry Scarlett |
John Collins |
Leonard Wordingham |
Edgar Anderson |
Edgar Anderson |
Edgar Anderson |
Peter Eden |
Arthur Howard |
Arthur Howard |
George Edwards |
George Edwards |
Cecilia Traylen |
Albert Kedge |
Norman Tobin |
Norman Tobin |
Trevor Littlechild |
Herbert Banham |
Herbert Banham |
Cora Banham |
Cora Banham |
Robert Davies |
Robert Davies |
Robert Davies |
Robert Davies |
Frank Ramsbottom |
William Crossman |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors, division 1: |
Anne Farmer |
Anne Farmer |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors, division 2: |
Elsie Clarke |
Matthew Clark |
John Powley |
Arthur Lofts |
Arthur Lofts |
Marcus Bradford |
Marcus Bradford |
Marcus Bradford |
Marcus Bradford |
Marcus Bradford |
Marcus Bradford |
Norman Tobin |
William Richmond |
Walter Stockbridge |
Walter Stockbridge |
Walter Stockbridge |
Walter Stockbridge |
Walter Stockbridge |
Peter Calvert |
Frederick Robinson |
Frederick Robinson |
John Cuningham |
Robert Hensher |
Robert Hensher |
Robert Hensher |
Robert Hensher |
Gilbert Weatherhead |
Gilbert Weatherhead |
Gilbert Weatherhead |
Alex Ellinger |
John Keatley |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors: |
William James |
Elisabeth Harland |
Elisabeth Harland |
Francis Priest |
Ernest Cherry |
Ernest Cherry |
Ernest Cherry |
Ernest Cherry |
Ernest Cherry |
Albert Wallman |
G.Richard Wright |
William Gourlay |
William Gourlay |
William Gourlay |
Helen Culverwell |
Helen Culverwell |
Helen Culverwell |
Helen Culverwell |
Lady Bragg |
Lady Bragg |
M.Enid Henn |
M.Enid Henn |
M.Enid Henn |
M.Enid Henn |
M.Enid Henn |
M.Enid Henn |
M.Enid Henn |
John Byrom |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors: |
William Barker |
William Barker |
Archibald Taylor |
Frank Pointer |
Harry Davis |
Harry Davis |
Harry Davis |
Arthur Arundale |
Arthur Arundale |
Arthur Arundale |
Nora David |
Robert Foote |
William James |
Sidney Pratt |
Sidney Pratt |
Leonard Cogman |
Leonard Cogman |
Leonard Cogman |
Bernard Keane |
Stanley Bowles |
Veronica Chaytor |
Edward Church |
Stewart Bull |
Stewart Bull |
John Collins |
John Collins |
John Collins |
John Collins |
George Scurfield |
Kenneth Carr |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors, division 1: |
Vera Rayner |
Vera Rayner |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors, division 2: |
Arthur Arundale |
Arthur Arundale |
1945 | 1946 | 1947 | 1949 |
1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953 |
1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 |
1958 | 1959 | 1960 | 1961 |
1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 |
1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 |
Thomas Amey |
Thomas Amey |
Thomas Amey |
Thomas Amey |
Mervyn Stockwood |
Mervyn Stockwood |
Ernest Gill |
Ernest Gill |
Ernest Gill |
Robert May |
Robert May |
Clara Rackham |
A.Leslie Symonds |
A.Leslie Symonds |
A.Leslie Symonds |
Ernest Gill |
Dorothy Howlett |
Dorothy Howlett |
Dorothy Howlett |
George Proctor |
George Proctor |
Harold Bowles |
Harold Bowles |
Muriel Lloyd-Prichard |
Peter Wright |
Peter Wright |
Peter Wright |
Peter Wright |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors, division 1: |
Lawrence Whittaker |
Lawrence Whittaker |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors, division 2: |
Annie Amey |
Annie Amey |
Arthur Cross |
Derek Traylen |
Geoffrey Baker |
William Hardesty |
Florence Roden |
Brian Lister |
Josef Schicker |
Anthony Cornell |
John Overton |
John Overton |
Albert Cox |
Albert Cox |
Raymond Flack |
William Hardesty |
Sonia Abrams |
Sonia Abrams |
Rev.Victor Dixon |
W.Donald Chapman |
William Hardesty |
William Hardesty |
Frank Bailey |
Frank Bailey |
Derek Traylen |
Clarissa Kaldor |
Clarissa Kaldor |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors: |
Stanley Aldous |
Philip Abrams |
Maurice Cowling |
Maurice Cowling |
Walter Light |
Leslie Jackson |
Leslie Jackson |
Leslie Jackson |
Leslie Jackson |
Leslie Jackson |
Robert Wright |
Robert Wright |
Robert Wright |
C.Elliot Ridgeon |
C.Elliot Ridgeon |
C.Elliot Ridgeon |
C.Elliot Ridgeon |
Harry Woolgar |
Harry Woolgar |
Jean Barker |
Jean Barker |
Edward Andrews |
Henry Naylor |
Lilian Thomson |
Lilian Thomson |
Mabel Morse |
Mabel Morse |
Mabel Morse |
Mabel Morse |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors: |
Douglas Nichols |
Douglas Nichols |
Brian Moore |
George Nobbs |
George Nobbs |
Harold De Ste Croix |
Harold De Ste Croix |
Harold De Ste Croix |
Percy Ginn |
Percy Ginn |
Edward Oakden |
Edward Oakden |
Horace Lister |
Arthur Halcrow |
Arthur Halcrow |
Arthur Halcrow |
Arthur Halcrow |
Arthur Halcrow |
Robert May |
Gordon Budd |
Henry Langdon |
Henry Langdon |
Horace Race |
Horace Race |
Horace Race |
Alec Gray |
Alec Gray |
Ann Tweed |
Maurice Garner |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors, division 1: |
Dennis Fuller |
Dennis Fuller |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors, division 2: |
Iris Owen |
Iris Owen |
Cambridgeshire & Isle of Ely County Councillors, division 3: |
Martin Tweed |
Geoffrey Lang |
1945 | 1946 | 1947 | 1949 |
1950 | 1951 | 1952 | 1953 |
1954 | 1955 | 1956 | 1957 |
1958 | 1959 | 1960 | 1961 |
1962 | 1963 | 1964 | 1965 |
1966 | 1967 | 1968 | 1969 |
Appointed by the Colleges and Halls |
George Rylands |
Prof P.W. Duff |
Prof P.W. Duff |
Rev P. Gardner-Smith |
Rev P. Gardner-Smith |
Rev P. Gardner-Smith |
T.C. Nicholas |
L.G. Jaeger |
Brian Cooper |
Brian Cooper |
Brian Cooper |
Appointed by Grace of the Senate |
H.D.P. Lee |
Dr J.A. Venn |
Dr J.A. Venn |
Dr J.A. Venn |
Dr J.A. Venn |
R.E Macpherson |
R.E Macpherson |
R.E Macpherson |
R.E Macpherson |
Geoffrey Hickson |
Geoffrey Hickson |
Geoffrey Hickson |
Frank Salter |
Frank Salter |
Frank Salter |
Frank Salter |
Frank Salter |
Violet Cane |
Appointed by the Colleges and Halls |
S.C. Roberts |
S.C. Roberts |
Lady Bragg |
Lady Bragg |
Lady Bragg |
J. Grantham |
J. Grantham |
J. Grantham |
J. Grantham |
Kenneth Berrill |
Kenneth Berrill |
J.T. Boorman |
T. Peel |
T. Peel |
Peter Maitland |
Peter Maitland |
Peter Maitland |
Peter Maitland |
Peter Maitland |
Peter Maitland |
Chris Johnson |
Thomas Knox-Shaw |
Thomas Knox-Shaw |
Thomas Knox-Shaw |
J.T. Saunders |
Rev J.S. Boys-Smith |
Rev J.S. Boys-Smith |
Rev J.S. Boys-Smith |
Rev J.S. Boys-Smith |
Prof R.Y. Jennings |
Prof R.Y. Jennings |
Charles Phillips |
Charles Phillips |